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Sports News

Year six Sports leaders 2024/25
Year 6 Sports Leaders
On Mon 1 Oct, Mrs. Mitchell escorted our Yr 6 Bronze Sports Ambassadors (Thomas, Ebonie, James and Daisy to Gillingham High School to attend the North Dorset Primary Leadership Academy. Our young Ambassadors joined similar representatives from approximately 15 other Primary Schools from our area. It is a privilege to be chosen to be a Bronze Ambassador & our candidates proved to be a great credit to our school.
The aim of the day was to teach leadership skills to the young Ambassadors,  which they can use back at school, in the following areas:
     * To increase participation and healthy lifestyles in our school. 
     * To promote the positive value of Sport. 
     * To be ambassadors and role-models advocating P. E. and school sport. 
     * To be the young peoples' voice on P. E. and sport in our school. 
The day was packed with games, activities and thought-provoking workshops. As a reward for all their efforts, our Ambassadors will receive a special 'Bronze Ambassador' T. shirt, which they can wear around the school,  allowing all the other pupils to recognise immediately who they are. 
Other school children are encouraged to approach them to ask any sports/health-related questions they may have. After all the information that our Ambassadors received on Monday, they should be more-than-ready to answer any relevant questions.
Congratulations to Thomas, Ebonie, James and Daisy. We are very proud of you and wish you all the best for your tenure as The Abbey's 'Bronze Ambassadors' for 2024/5!
Thank you to Mrs Mitchell for taking them and writing this report.