Mr Michael Salisbury
Head Teacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
I am delighted to lead the staff team at the Abbey school. I am passionate about providing high-quality primary education for all children in our care, challenging and supporting them along the way.
I have been the Head teacher and Deputy Head in other local schools and know the beautiful North Dorset area very well. Please say hello if you see me around the school!
As the DSL for the school, please contact me if you have any safeguarding concerns.
Mrs Sally Howard
Assistant Head & Deputy, Designated Safeguarding Lead Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Co-ordinator, SENCO
Mrs Howard began teaching at Abbey in 1997. Her role is an important one, helping us to ensure all pupils make progress and fulfil their potential, especially those whose needs or circumstances require adaptations or additional support. Her remit extends to individuals and groups, including disabled pupils, those who are academically more or less able, minority ethnic pupils, and many others.
Mrs Maxine Sanderson
Reception Class Teacher
Mrs Becky Beveridge
Teaching Assistant and/or SEN Support
Miss Charlie Dymock
Reception Class Teacher
Mrs Kelly Gaertig
Teaching assistant and/or SEN provision
Mrs Lorraine Stone
Year 1 Class Teacher
Mrs Beth Harris
Teaching Assistant and/or SEN provision
Mrs Kate Brockway
HLTA/PPA Cover (Thu pm)
Mrs Natalie Compton
Teaching assistant &/or SEN provision
Mrs Charlie Marshall
Year 2 Class Teacher
Mrs Louise Cowling
Teaching Assistant and/or SEN provision
Mrs Kate Brockway
HLTA/PPA Cover (Tue pm)
Ms Amanda Saunders
Year 3 Teacher (Mon - Wed)
Mrs Natalie Compton
Teaching assistant and/or SEN provision
Mrs Kate Brockway
HLTA/PPA cover Mon & Fri pm)
Mrs Rachel Shortman
Teaching assistant &/or SEN provision
Mrs Elaine Mitchell
Teaching assistant &/or SEN provision
Mrs Holli Bastable
Year 4 Class Teacher
Ms Wendy Saunders
Year 4 Class Teacher (Tue am)
Mrs Sophie Ferré
Year 5 Class Teacher
Mrs Kate Brockway
Ms Wendy Saunders
PPA teacher (Tue pm) Teacher (Wed)
Miss Vicki Wonnacott (DSL)
Year 6 Teacher/DSL
Mrs Kim Brown
Teaching Assistant and/or SEN provision
Mrs Elaine Mitchell
Teaching Assistant and/or SEN provision (Mon pm French)
Mrs Becky Beveridge
Teaching Assistant and/or SEN Provision
Mrs Karen Cole
ELSA Support
Mrs Gully Fahie
School Secretary
Mrs Sarah Stevens
Finance Officer
Mrs Saskia King
Mrs Karen Hudson
Clerk to Governors
Mrs Saskia King
Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Rachel Kemp
Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Beth Harris
Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Karen Cole
Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Kate Brockway
Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Katie Pyke
Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Natalie Lucas
Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Erika Hiscocks
Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Christine Judd
Please do get in touch if you would like to help in school in any way.